Education & Training
Disability Equality Training Series (DETS)
DETS 101 Class focuses on Self-Advocacy and Disability Laws
We are now seeking participants for our Spring 2024 DETS 101 course!
Arc Northland’s Adult, Children, and Family Services Department is offering DETS (Disability Equality Training Series), a comprehensive curriculum designed to equip people with developmental and other disabilities to build skills in disability inclusion, self advocacy, and equality!
Self-advocates will have the opportunity to strengthen their self-advocacy and assertive communication skills; explore their values and strengths; and learn about disability laws from our history including Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act), and ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act).
DETS has 3 different course levels, DETS 101-DETS 103. Participants are encouraged to start with DETS 101 and move through the series. DETS courses are scheduled over 8 weeks with participants meeting for 1.5 hours once a week via Zoom.
“It’s a wonderful class, packed with interesting topics, activities, and discussion opportunities,” a former participant, Alison, said. “Participating in the class is a fabulous group of self-advocates who make many interesting points and insights in discussion. I will be sad to see the class end—but participants can later go on to take DETS 102, if they’re interested!”
If you or someone you know might be interested in participating in the next DETS class, please contact Summer at 218-726-4746 or .
Arc Northland’s Pre-ETS Program
In collaboration with VRS (Vocational Rehabilitation Services) Arc Northland is proud to offer Pre-ETS (Pre-Employment Transition Services) to help with transition to employment after high school!
Pre-ETS are activities that provide an early start at job exploration for students with disabilities ages 14-21 to assist with transitioning from school to postsecondary education or employment. Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) are available to students who are eligible and potentially eligible for Vocational Rehabilitation Services.
“Working with a student in pre-ETS is one of the most rewarding parts of my job,” Alison said. “It’s fabulous to see students discover their career interests and then explore jobs that they’re excited about in those fields.”
Pre-ETS includes these five services: Job Exploration Counseling; Work-Based Learning Experiences; Postsecondary Education Counseling; Workplace Readiness Training; and Instruction in Self-Advocacy.
Services are available to students who have been determined eligible by VRS and have one of the following:
-An Individualized Education Program (IEP)
-A 504 plan
-A record or note from a mental health or medical provider
-A Social Security Administration (SSA) beneficiary award letter
For more information on Arc Northland’s Pre-ETS Services, contact Alison at 218-726-4746 or
To learn more about Pre-ETS, Click on the following link: pre-ets-desk-aid_tcm1045-308172
Healthy Relationships
The Arc Northland Healthy Relationship education program was created with the intention to support children and adults with disabilities of all genders and sexual orientations.
Individual advocacy and group support is available. Arc Northland embraces and practices person-centered principles and designs a curriculum that is unique to each participant. Participants will identify what they would like to learn about relationships with others and work together to develop a plan to help them learn about their self-identified topics of interest. Sessions typically run 45 to 60 minutes.
The general content of the Healthy Relationships sessions include:
• Respect
• Communication
• Different types of relationships
• How to maintain relationships
• Personal Boundaries, Values and Comfort Zones
• Safety
• Personal Choice
• Consent
• Who is my safe person?
To receive Healthy Relationship Training you must have a service authorization in place under Family Training and Counseling Services.
For more information on our Healthy Relationships Training contact Karel at 218-726-4725 or
Self-Advocacy Training and Support
The ability to speak up for ourselves, to make sure we are living the life we chose to live, takes a level of understanding and ultimate practice. Often, people with disabilities tend to be taken ‘care of’ by well-meaning supporters and because of this, the sense of control over one’s life, that most of us learn through insight and capacities, is at risk of being lost.
Arc Northland has skilled professionals that assist with gaining skills in Self-Advocacy though training and support. Through a Person-Centered, team approach we assist individuals with disabilities with the process of learning and practicing how and when to speak up to take care of ourselves and our needs.
All participants must have a service authorization in place for the Self-Advocacy Training and Support.
For more information on contact Karel at 218-726-4725 or

Arc Northland offers a variety of services to help and support individuals and families with disabilities throughout Northeastern Minnesota.
We are successful in advocating for people with disabilities and their families because of the support of local businesses and community members.
Please consider making a contribution that will improve the future for people of all ages with disabilities throughout Northeastern Minnesota.
Need help? Let us know what questions you have and how we can help.