Who We Are


Arc Northland is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization serving children and adults with disabilities and their families since 1951. We are affiliated with The Arc of the United States, a nationwide disability rights organization, and the Arc Minnesota.

Like most Arc’s across the country, we were started by parents who wanted their children to remain home with the family and not go to live in an institution.  They wanted their children to grow up and be a part of the community, receive an education in school with their peers and grow to be healthy, happy and successful adults who feel a part of and fully included in their community.

Approximately, one in five people in the United States has a disability.  Arc Northland’s purpose is to support individuals and families through the many services we offer, the networks we are a part of and the legislative initiatives we work for.  Our intent is to ensure that all people with disabilities are valued members of society and that the focus is on their many gifts, talents and abilities.

Arc Northland’s mission is to promote and protect the human rights of people with disabilities and their families while actively supporting full inclusion and participation in the community throughout their lifetime.

People with disabilities live the lives they choose and experience a true sense of belonging in all aspects of life.

Arc Northland service delivery values are: Equality, Ability before disability and Respect for all people.
Teamwork Values:  Dependable, Cooperative, Ethical and Honest

Arc Northland supports an average of 800 – 1000 individuals and families annually in the Arrowhead Region of Minnesota, including St. Louis, Carlton, Lake, Cook, Koochiching, Itasca, Pine and Aitkin Counties. We partner collaboratively in a variety of ways  with the Arc Minnesota, ensuring that all communities in the northeastern part of the state are supported

Arc Northland is an affiliate of the Arc of the United States and Arc Minnesota.  We are also a partnering agency with the Head of the Lakes United Way.

Arc Northland is committed to ensuring equal access to its programs, services and employment opportunities. This applies to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, gender, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, testing positive for the HIV virus, disability, sexual orientation, age or legally protected status.

All people with disabilities are entitled to human and civil rights. Given that all people with disabilities are complex human beings with varying attributes and living circumstances,  and many experience multiple risk factors for human and civil rights violations, we emphasize that all are entitled to human and civil rights regardless of age, gender, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, cultural, linguistic, geographic, and spiritual diversity, economic status, severity of disability, intensity of needed supports, or other factors that expose them to increased risk of rights violations.

These rights include the rights to autonomy, dignity, family, justice, life, liberty, equality, self-determination, community participation, property, health, well-being, access to voting, and equality of opportunity and others recognized by law or international declarations, conventions, or standards. All people with disabilities have the right to the support they need to exercise and ensure their human and civil rights. Local, state, federal, and international governments must strongly enforce all human and civil rights. (Taken from the Position Statement of the Arc US)

Arc Northland offers a variety of services to help and support individuals and families with disabilities throughout Northeastern Minnesota.

We are successful in advocating for people with disabilities and their families because of the support of local businesses and community members.
Please consider making a contribution that will improve the future for people of all ages with disabilities throughout Northeastern Minnesota.

Need help? Let us know what questions you have and how we can help.